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Upcoming Events

These will be posted as they become available.

Past Symposiums

Electrifying the Future: Seminar on Solar and Electric Trucks

July 30, 2024 - Laredo, TX

Event Resources

Earthjustice Resources
Additional Resources for Supplemental Info about Private Businesses Seeking Funding Opportunities
IRA resources for business – EDF/Deloitte Resource on IRA programs (not just transportation related)
          ○ EV Fleet electrification resources for businesses – EDF/Deloitte Resource on transportation IRA programs
EV funding finder – highly recommend attendees use this resource to find grants

IRA/IIJA grants – this is the Earthjustice landing page that mentions most of these programs

WH Guidebook – This hasn’t been updated but it’s the White House’s guidebook to IRA and IIJA investments

EPA’s TCTACs – EPA has set up several technical assistance centers to help folks figure out where and what investment programs to apply to & how
          ○ Texas’ Technical Assistance Center
Attendee Feedback Form

Justice 40 Symposium

August 3, 2023 - Laredo, TX
Welcome and Opening Speeches; RGISC, GreenLatinos, and Congressman Henry Cuellar

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the rio grande

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will help us to continue this fight.
Our river needs to be protected and you can help!


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1 West End Washington St. Bldg P-11
Laredo, Texas, 78040
Rio Grande International Study Center is a certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
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