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In pursuit of advancing the Justice40 objective, several federal agencies are allocating resources that communities can access. These resources encompass Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (TCTACs), which help towards regranting or subawardings and provide direct technical assistance, like grantwriting. Details on these resources are outlined below:
Direct Technical Assistance - General
Direct Technical Assistance by Type
Justice40 Funding Opportunities

The Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers Program (EJ TCTACs)

EPA has selected 16 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (EJ TCTACs) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy that will receive $177 million to help underserved and overburdened communities across the country. Each of the technical assistance centers will receive at least $10 million. With this critical investment, these centers will provide training and other assistance to build capacity for navigating federal grant application systems, writing strong grant proposals, and effectively managing grant funding. In addition, these centers will provide guidance on community engagement, meeting facilitation, and translation and interpretation services.
The two selected TCTACs for EPA Region 6, which encompasses the State of Texas are The Deep South Center for Environmental Justice and New Mexico State University.
New Mexico State University - South Central Environmental and Energy Justice Resource Center (SCEERJ)
Link to TCTAC site: https://scejrc.nmsu.edu/

Email for Technical Assistance: scejrc@nmsu.edu
Deep South Center for Evironmental Justice - This Technical Assistance Center has not officially launched. More information to come.
If you have trouble or experience difficulties reaching out to them, please contact Allison Guzman (allison@rgisc.org) or reach out at (956) 718-1063

Waste Management

This is relevant to practices including waste prevention, reuse, recycling, and disposal. The Office of Land and Emergency Management provides grants, technical assistance, education, and outreach through two programs:


EPA’s free water technical assistance (WaterTA) supports communities to identify water challenges, develop plans, build technical, financial, and managerial capacity, and develop application materials to access water infrastructure funding. EPA collaborates with states, Tribes, territories, community partners, and other key stakeholders to implement WaterTA efforts. The end result: more communities with applications for federal funding, quality water infrastructure, and reliable water services.


In pursuit of advancing the Justice40 objective, several federal agencies are allocating resources that communities can access. These resources encompass Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (TCTACs), which help towards regranting or subawardings and provide direct technical assistance, like grantwriting. Details on these resources are outlined below:
Direct Technical Assistance - General
Direct Technical Assistance by Type
Justice40 Funding Opportunities

The Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers Program (EJ TCTACs)

EPA has selected 16 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (EJ TCTACs) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy that will receive $177 million to help underserved and overburdened communities across the country. Each of the technical assistance centers will receive at least $10 million. With this critical investment, these centers will provide training and other assistance to build capacity for navigating federal grant application systems, writing strong grant proposals, and effectively managing grant funding. In addition, these centers will provide guidance on community engagement, meeting facilitation, and translation and interpretation services.
The two selected TCTACs for EPA Region 6, which encompasses the State of Texas are The Deep South Center for Environmental Justice and New Mexico State University.
EJ Clearinghouse - This is a cumulative list of resources put together by the EPA for subject matter expertise, assistance, available funding, organizational capacity, Justice40, public participation, publications, etc.
Email for Technical Assistance - scejrc@nmsu.edu
Deep South Center for Evironmental Justice - dscej.org/circ/#contact
If you have trouble or experience difficulties reaching out to them, please contact Allison Guzman (allison@rgisc.org) or reach out at (956) 718-1063

Waste Management

This is relevant to practices including waste prevention, reuse, recycling, and disposal. The Office of Land and Emergency Management provides grants, technical assistance, education, and outreach through two programs:


EPA’s free water technical assistance (WaterTA) supports communities to identify water challenges, develop plans, build technical, financial, and managerial capacity, and develop application materials to access water infrastructure funding. EPA collaborates with states, Tribes, territories, community partners, and other key stakeholders to implement WaterTA efforts. The end result: more communities with applications for federal funding, quality water infrastructure, and reliable water services.

Subaward/Regrant Opportunities

In an effort to make these grants more accessible to communities, various federal agencies have opened regrant/subaward programs. Grantmakers will:
• design competitive application and submission processes
• award environmental justice subgrants
• implement a tracking and reporting system
• provide resources and support to communities
As these awards are made and more information is made available, updates and information about links to these opportunities will be published below!

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Laredo, Texas, 78040
Rio Grande International Study Center is a certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
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