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RGISC Announces First Ever: Laredo Climate Camp

Published on:  
July 20, 2021

Laredo nonprofit and SOMOS Sunrise partner on program to build climate leaders on the border

Friday, July 23rd & Saturday, July 24th from 8am - 9pm
Laredo Water Museum | 2702 Anna Ave, Laredo, TX 78040

LAREDO, TX - On Friday, July 23rd and Saturday, July 24th the Rio Grande International Study Center will host Laredo’s first Climate Camp at the Laredo Water Museum to bring awareness about the upcoming disruptions from climate change and to develop Laredo’s newest leaders in the climate justice movement.

The time for action is now. Over the past 30 years, Laredo temperatures have been increasing, and as a community, we remain dependent on a single distressed river system to provide water and life to our families and South Texas community. Projections show that THIS CENTURY, Texas will enter into one of its most severe droughts in the past 1,000 years and Laredo can expect to feel 60-100 more days exceeding 100 degrees. We must act now.

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What is Climate Camp?

This intense two-day training event is designed to educate 100 Laredo youth, between the ages of 16-24, on how to engage in climate organizing.

RGISC partners include leaders in the SOMOS Sunrise movement, who will be traveling to Laredo from California, Washington DC, Illinois, and other parts of Texas for this event.

Cecy Jimenez, a Laredo Climate Organizer for RGISC says, “I am very excited to be working on this project. As a rising TAMIU senior and proud daughter of immigrants about to be the first in my family to graduate from a university, I understand the significance of this amazing resource for other latine youth in our community. I invite anyone ready to take the next steps to lead the climate justice initiative here in la frontera to join us for this special event!”.

Climate Camp will ensure our future leaders take away:
● an understanding of the urgency of the climate crisis,
● rich knowledge of strategies on how to tackle climate challenges.
Our goal is to help establish participants as Climate Leaders on the Border who are prepared to advocate for our river, our wildlife, and our community.




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1 West End Washington St. Bldg P-11
Laredo, Texas, 78040
Rio Grande International Study Center is a certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
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