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Edgar Villaseñor - Advocacy Campaign Manager

Edgar Villasenor is the new Advocacy Campaign Manager. He was born in Laredo, Texas and is a proud father of three, alongside his wonderful wife, Cristina. Edgar is a civically-engaged leader in both business and community service. He is currently working with the Rio Grande International Study Center to help protect and preserve the Rio Grande and the environment through awareness, advocacy, research, and education. He is a respected leader in the community and serves as the Vice President of Youth for the League of United Latin American Citizens, also known as LULAC #22387. Edgar has extensive managerial experience from working in positions that include General Manager at 7-Eleven, Accounting Auditor at Burlington, Assistant Project Manager at USAA, Library Assistant at UTSA, and Leasing Agent at The Reserve Woodlark. Edgar is also a recent graduate from the New Leaders Council class of 2024.  His diverse experience has given him an appreciation for various management styles and a deep understanding of organizations from the bottom up.

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1 West End Washington St. Bldg P-11
Laredo, Texas, 78040
Rio Grande International Study Center is a certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
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