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What Is Justice40 and How Can It Help Your Community?

The Justice40 Initiative prioritizes collaboration between federal agencies, states, and communities to spend a minimum of "40% of the overall benefits" from critical federal investments to marginalized communities. Investment areas are:
1. Climate change
2. Clean energy and energy efficiency
3. Clean transportation
4. Affordable and sustainable housing
5. Training and workforce development related to the six other Justice40 investment areas
6. Remediation and reduction of legacy pollution
7. Critical clean water and wastewater infrastructure

Where Does the Funding for J40 Come From?

The J40 Initiative funding comes from two main bills:

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) or the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The BIL allocated over $1 trillion for upgrading the nation's infrastructure. From that, around $400 billion of the funding from this bipartisan law could go towards the Justice40 Initiatives and the categories it encompasses. This bill was enacted by President Biden in 2021.

This bill focuses on transportation, renewable energy, and broadband internet to mitigate pollution in disadvantaged areas, and deliver other community benefits.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

The Inflation Reduction Act channels $369 billion into clean energy and pollution reduction initiatives over the next ten years. Within this sum, over $50 billion is specifically earmarked for disadvantaged communities, aiming to promote both environmental justice and climate justice, and additional funding from the total sum is available through the J40 Initiative, ensuring these investments and benefits reach these critically underserved communities.The IRA was enacted into law in August 2022, by the Biden-Harris administration.

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1 West End Washington St. Bldg P-11
Laredo, Texas, 78040
Rio Grande International Study Center is a certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
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